Phone number reverse lookup now available

LTAS Technologies now provides phone number reverse lookup services to its customers.  By having a reverse lookup capability, LTAS can now close the loop on all background checks of online classifieds.  The reverse lookup searches on phone numbers, both land line and cellphone numbers, and if there is a match, can provide the full name

Automatic License Validation for Classified Ads

Harmari Engine handles license checking services efficiently and accurately for your organization.  It’s a real time-saver when considering it can take up to 8 hours of manual labour just to check 100 licensees advertising in an online classified.  The Harmari Contractor Report provides you with a column colour-coded for easy recognition of whether an ad

VIN analysis

  Recently, several requests have come in regarding what we can do regarding VINs (Vehicle Identification Numbers). The Harmari Engine now supports VIN extraction. It will share the same column as the License Plate in the report. Both of those little nuggets of information are not mandatory in Craigslist car ads, but nevertheless are extracted

Curbfinder Reports now feature Automated License Plate Recognition

The latest development from our R&D labs is the Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) module built into the Harmari System.  With the revolutionary module, the task of detecting curbstoners in online classifieds becomes significantly more effective. Instead of having to go through clicking on the link to each car for sale, and then manually reading