Underground business typically does not report taxes to state or federal authorities.  A lot of small business uses eBay, the popular online auction website, to sell products to anyone around the globe.  If the business is based out of your state or country, and you are interested in identifying those not reporting tax or reporting insufficient tax, contact us.  We have a new product development that extracts leads on high-profile sellers, and buyers and also correlates their virtual identity with their real life identity.  To see a complete list of websites that we can analyze, check out TaxCrawler.  To see why Taxcrawler is better than the IRS 1099K data, read more.

Application Useful for enforcing
High Profile sellers based in your state, selling to others within your state online Sales Tax, Income Tax, Corporate Tax
Buyers based in your state receiving expensive items from sellers out-of-state Use Tax
Review sites of restaurants based in your state Sales Tax, Liquor Tax, Liquor License, Business License
Review sites of short term vacation rental properties based in your state, county or city Hotel Tax
Any service or product oriented businesses that are based in your state, county or city Business license, business registration, permits